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Комп’ютерні мережі
[ Скачать с сервера (80.0 Kb) ] 04.04.2017, 12:59
Завдання на виконання:
1. На каком уровне сосредоточены отличия технологий Ethernet и Fast Ethernet?
2. Какая топология сети применяется в технологии Ethernet ? На каких уровнях модели OSI работает Ethernet?
3. Множественный доступ с контролем несущей и обнаружением коллизий (CSMA/CD, Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection) что это такое?
4. Формат кадра стандарта Ethernet?
5. Принцип работы коммутатора?
6. Принцип работы концетратора?
7. Для какого стандарта Ethernet применяется правило "4-х хабов" ?Почему?
8. Протокол ARP.

Настроювальні параметри

package inet.examples.ethernet.lans;

import inet.linklayer.ethernet.EtherBus;
import inet.linklayer.ethernet.EtherHub;
import inet.nodes.ethernet.EtherHost;
import inet.nodes.ethernet.EtherHost2;
import inet.nodes.ethernet.EtherSwitch;
import inet.nodes.ethernet.EtherSwitch2;
import inet.world.ChannelInstaller;
import ned.DatarateChannel;
network MixedLAN
channelInstaller: ChannelInstaller {
channelClass = "ThruputMeteringChannel";
channelAttrs = "format=#N";
bus: EtherBus {
positions = "10 20 24 35 40 48";
propagationSpeed = 2e8 mps;
busHostA: EtherHost {
switchHostA: EtherHost {
switch: EtherSwitch {
hubHostA: EtherHost {
hub: EtherHub {
bus.ethg[0] <--> busHostA.ethg;
bus.ethg[1] <--> switch.ethg[0];
bus.ethg[2] <--> hub.ethg[0];
switch.ethg[1] <--> { delay = 0.1us; } <--> switchHostA.ethg;
hub.ethg[1] <--> { delay = 0.1us; } <--> hubHostA.ethg;

Скалярні дані
version 2
run MixedLAN-0-20131125-20:06:24-5436
attr configname MixedLAN
attr datetime 20131125-20:06:24
attr experiment MixedLAN
attr inifile mixed.ini
attr iterationvars ""
attr iterationvars2 $repetition=0
attr measurement ""
attr network MixedLAN
attr processid 5436
attr repetition 0
attr replication #0
attr resultdir results
attr runnumber 0
attr seedset 0
scalar MixedLAN.bus "simulated time" 0.550089812301
scalar MixedLAN.bus "messages handled" 0
scalar MixedLAN.bus messages/sec 0
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.cli "packets sent" 1
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.cli "packets rcvd" 0
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.cli "end-to-end delay mean" 0
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.cli "end-to-end delay stddev" -1.#IND
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.cli "end-to-end delay min" 0
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.cli "end-to-end delay max" 0
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.srv "packets sent" 0
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.srv "packets rcvd" 0
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.srv "end-to-end delay mean" 0
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.srv "end-to-end delay stddev" -1.#IND
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.srv "end-to-end delay min" 0
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.srv "end-to-end delay max" 0
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.llc "dsaps registered" 2
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.llc "packets from higher layer" 1
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.llc "frames from MAC" 0
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.llc "packets passed up" 0
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.llc "packets dropped - unknown DSAP" 0
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.mac "simulated time" 0.550089812301
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.mac "txrate (Mb)" 10
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.mac "full duplex" 0
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.mac "frames sent" 1
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.mac "frames rcvd" 0
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.mac "bytes sent" 1287
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.mac "bytes rcvd" 0
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.mac "frames from higher layer" 1
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.mac "frames from higher layer dropped (iface down)" 0
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.mac "frames dropped (bit error)" 0
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.mac "frames dropped (not for us)" 0
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.mac "frames passed up to HL" 0
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.mac "PAUSE frames sent" 0
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.mac "PAUSE frames rcvd" 0
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.mac "frames/sec sent" 1.8178849664876
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.mac "frames/sec rcvd" 0
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.mac "bits/sec sent" 18716.943614957
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.mac "bits/sec rcvd" 0
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.mac "rx channel idle (%)" 99.811667117472
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.mac "rx channel utilization (%)" 0.18833288252812
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.mac "rx channel collision (%)" 0
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.mac collisions 0
scalar MixedLAN.busHostA.mac backoffs 0
scalar MixedLAN.switchHostA.cli "packets sent" 0
scalar MixedLAN.switchHostA.cli "packets rcvd" 0
scalar MixedLAN.switchHostA.cli "end-to-end delay mean" 0
scalar MixedLAN.switchHostA.cli "end-to-end delay stddev" -1.#IND
scalar MixedLAN.switchHostA.cli "end-to-end delay min" 0
scalar MixedLAN.switchHostA.cli "end-to-end delay max" 0
scalar MixedLAN.switchHostA.srv "packets sent" 4
scalar MixedLAN.switchHostA.srv "packets rcvd" 1
scalar MixedLAN.switchHostA.srv "end-to-end delay mean" 0.001152309999
scalar MixedLAN.switchHostA.srv "end-to-end delay stddev" -1.#IND
scalar MixedLAN.switchHostA.srv "end-to-end delay min" 0.001152309999
scalar MixedLAN.switchHostA.srv "end-to-end delay max" 0.001152309999
scalar MixedLAN.switchHostA.llc "dsaps registered" 1
scalar MixedLAN.switchHostA.llc "packets from higher layer" 4
scalar MixedLAN.switchHostA.llc "frames from MAC" 1
scalar MixedLAN.switchHostA.llc "packets passed up" 1
scalar MixedLAN.switchHostA.llc "packets dropped - unknown DSAP" 0
scalar MixedLAN.switchHostA.mac "simulated time" 0.550089812301
scalar MixedLAN.switchHostA.mac "txrate (Mb)" 100
scalar MixedLAN.switchHostA.mac "full duplex" 1
scalar MixedLAN.switchHostA.mac "frames sent" 1
scalar MixedLAN.switchHostA.mac "frames rcvd" 1
scalar MixedLAN.switchHostA.mac "bytes sent" 1518
scalar MixedLAN.switchHostA.mac "bytes rcvd" 1287
scalar MixedLAN.switchHostA.mac "frames from higher layer" 4
scalar MixedLAN.switchHostA.mac "frames from higher layer dropped (iface down)" 0
scalar MixedLAN.switchHostA.mac "frames dropped (bit error)" 0
scalar MixedLAN.switchHostA.mac "frames dropped (not for us)" 0
scalar MixedLAN.switchHostA.mac "frames passed up to HL" 1
scalar MixedLAN.switchHostA.mac "PAUSE frames sent" 0
scalar MixedLAN.switchHostA.mac "PAUSE frames rcvd" 0
scalar MixedLAN.switchHostA.mac "frames/sec sent" 1.8178849664876
scalar MixedLAN.switchHostA.mac "frames/sec rcvd" 1.8178849664876
scalar MixedLAN.switchHostA.mac "bits/sec sent" 22076.395033026
scalar MixedLAN.switchHostA.mac "bits/sec rcvd" 18716.943614957
scalar MixedLAN.switchHostA.mac "rx channel idle (%)" 99.981166711747
Категория: Лабораторные работы | Добавил: opteuropa | Теги: Комп’ютерні мережі ксачать безплатн, лабораторна, Кафедра інформаційних систем
Просмотров: 388 | Загрузок: 9 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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